Season 1 | Episode 6: School of the Future

Dream the Future

Society/Environment, Germany 2016

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Since the beginning of the 21st century, technology and social media have shaped the daily lives of people, especially the youngest. The school system must therefore reinvent itself. But the education system often fails when it comes to creativity. Overcrowded classrooms, limited access to technology and outdated teaching methods - the school system has reached its limits. Many people are also denied access to education. According to UNESCO, around 57 million primary school children do not attend classes. What will the schools look like in 2050? Maybe like we see them in numerous science fiction films? In 2050, school education will be more technical and digitized. Robots are used as learning aids. Thanks to creative men and women designing new concepts, the school of the future is already in the planning stage. Even today, methods are being tested that are at the heart of the school of tomorrow
51 min
FSK 12
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William Roy


Alex Fighter

Original title:

Dream the Future

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16:9 HD, Color

Age rating:

FSK 12

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