Birds of the Gods - Gallows Birds

Sentimental Film/Environment, Germany 2002

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Numerous myths and legends surround the raven - such as in Wilhelm Busch's "Hans Huckebein" or in the fable of the fox and raven. What is the truth of these and other tales? Man's relationship with the raven has always been ambivalent. Fascination and disgust were always two sides of the same coin. No witch could do without ravens. He was notorious as a gallows bird, because the scavenger could be observed on battlefields as a ghoul. Today the largest native songbirds tend to plunder rubbish dumps, and it can happen that a sleeping alpine farmer is robbed of his snack.
44 min
Starting at 6
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Jan Haft


Jan Haft

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16:9 HD, Color

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Starting at 6

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